Ad Preparation
Ad preparation and insertion work for Magazine and Newspaper Publications. We Pre-flight and verify page layout specs for Publications, Identify missing or problematic components. prepare ads to print perfection, mechanicals to digital file output, we support all publication formats and specifications.

Prepress Solutions
Our professional staff ensure all of our products print on schedule with the highest standards of quality. We offer professional color correction, image enhancement and optimizations for PDFs and prebuilt advertisements. In the field of printing, nothing is more essential than a talented prepress staff. Our prepress workers utilize the most up-to-date software and color correction techniques.
Deep understanding of industry standards including SWOP, GRACoL, Fogra, SNAP/Newsprint & PDF/X-1a,

EPSON Proofing
We offer EPSON proofs that are both SWOP & GRACOL certified. The EPSON is a good alternative to the Fuji or Kodak, due to their speed and cost. We have the ability to proof up to 42″ wide on our EPSON machines.

Expert Image and Premedia Editing
Colour management Color Conversion
Image Enhancement
Bulk Image Processing
Color Correction
PDF Output Optimization
Page assembly and layout
Heidleberg Tango High End Scanning